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How to Share a Post From a Closed Group on Facebook

Facebook Tip: Sharing a Post from Your Business Page to a Group

Author: Evolution Design Agency
May 18, 2015

First published May 18, 2015 and updated October 28th, 2020

It's important to first understand the difference between a Facebook 'profile' and a 'page'.

Here is a run down on the basic differences between a Facebook 'profile' and a 'page'.

Facebook Profile – This who you are on Facebook, it will typically include your name, photo, birth date and various other self identifying information. Here you will add friends, friends will add you. Depending on your privacy settings these Facebook friends will see particular details about you, your connections, activity and your Facebook posts. They may 'like' your posts and comment on your posts. Depending on your privacy settings they may also share posts. If they do share your posts the privacy setting would have to be set to 'Public' for the posts to be visible to those who are not your Facebook friends (or friends of friends depending on your privacy settings).

It is important to note that you would not create a Facebook Profile for your business, because the only way of connecting with your business would be for others to 'Add you as a friend" and they would then share all their personal information with you, and vice versa. This isn't information we usually want to share with those we do business with.

Facebook Page – This is created for your business. Prospective and current customers will "like" your page and interact with your posts, they may share comment and like your posts if they are engaging and from there a professional connection can be made. They may also share your posts, it's important to note that all posts on a Facebook page are public.

Facebook Groups – For many business owners wanting to represent their business in a group can be challenging. People on facebook can join groups via their Facebook Profile however businesses cannot join groups via their Facebook Page. Networking groups are common on Facebook. As a business owner on Facebook when you are in a group and want to mention your businesses Facebook Page it can be challenging! … Here is how to do it…

Here are five simple steps to sharing a post from your business page to a group on Facebook

Instructions on desktop:

Step One: On your Facebook page scroll to the post you wish to share and click on 'Share'

Step Two: Select 'Share…' (as pictured below)

Step Three: Then choose where you'd like to share the post:  a Group, a Page or choose 'Copy Link' so you can use this to post wherever you like 🙂

Step Four: Depending on your selection for Step Three, the next dialogue box will present the next step.

  • to share to a group:
    • select Share
    • select Share to a Group
    • to you can add a description or caption for the post you're sharing where it says "Say something about this…"
    • then use the search bar to begin typing in the name of the group you wish to share to.
    • select Share. And that's it you're done!
  • to share to a page you manage:
    • select Share
    • select Share to a Page
    • the Pages you manage (have admin posting permission) will appear to select from.
    • choose the one you wish to post on
    • you can add a caption to the post
    • select Share. And that's it you're done!
  • to share anywhere else including to a page you DO NOT manage:
    • select Share
    • select Copy Link
    • then navigate to the page or location you wish to share it on
    • right click to past the link or use the shortcut Control V (⌘V on mac)
    • you can add a caption to the post
    • select Share. And that's it you're done!

Instructions on mobile:

From your mobile it looks a little different but the process is the same.

You'll also have the options to Share to your story or Send in Messenger when you're using the mobile app, providing you with additional functionality

I trust this helps make marketing your business in Facebook Groups and other Facebook Pages easier!

If you're looking for some extra help or guidance, or would prefer to have a Social Media manager look after your social media marketing you can find some more information here or give us a call on (03) 5222 3328 we are happy to help!



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How to Share a Post From a Closed Group on Facebook
